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Disparate in a sentence

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Sentence count:84+1Posted:2017-04-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: disparagedisparagingdisparagementdisparitydispassionateseparateseparatelyseparate fromMeaning: ['dɪspərət]  adj. 1. fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind 2. including markedly dissimilar elements. 
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61. The Europeans were far more troubled by the disparate states of arithmetic and geometry.
62. The etiology of disparate mens and womens cultures may be genetic but culture per se is learned behavior.
63. We argue that an alternative hypothesis can reconcile these seemingly disparate findings.
64. Imagination, defined by Coleridge , is the vital faculty that creates new wholes out of disparate elements.
65. The collapse of the mine has helped pull together a geographically disparate, class-conscious, and often individualistic country.
66. Hard work is what the insightful litigator does when she synthesizes four disparate ideas and comes up with an argument that wins the case--in less than five minutes.
67. With such disparate political groups, the country is in real mess.
68. And don't ply foreigners with lots and lots of disparate questions.
69. In China, with mounting inequalities and disparate interests that need accommodating, it is not clear that the country's political system, top-heavy and authoritarian, is up to the task.
70. To wit, e-mail, remote login, and superuser privileges all require a password—preferably disparate and each difficult to guess or derive using an automated attack.
71. Focusing on a long-distance network connecting 383 brain regions and 6, 602 long-distance connections that function like highways to connect disparate regions of the brain.
72. It was originally designed to provide a framework for governing 13 weak and disparate former colonies.
73. It's the collision of disparate ideas that alters one's perspective.
74. They argue that a monopolist could deter potential competitors by bundling disparate products.
75. Professor Minerva McGonagall 's name comes from two rather disparate sources.
76. This couple of seemingly disparate topics have something in common.
77. Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and Charles Marshall and William Penn as disparate as they seem, and as separate as they were in time and space,[] were kindred souls in their mode and method of thought.
78. It's a design issue that portal application developers often face: what's the best way to build software components that access and integrate data from a variety of disparate sources?
79. A disparate group of central banks with different priorities seem to agree.
80. Again, such a valuation approach converts a bundle of disparate attributes into a monetary value.
81. Temporary conversion to triples is a great way to do ad-hoc data integration if you want to cross-reference between disparate sources or enhance data from one source with data from another.
82. Legal uncertainty also is mirrored in Yahoo brand policy and Gu Ge above disparate fact.
83. Diplopia is defined as the identical objects are imaged on disparate retinal areas.
84. Specific to disparate industry[], influence degree each are not identical.
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