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Bottle in a sentence

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Sentence count:280+64Posted:2017-04-05Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bottlefulfeeding bottlenursing bottleSimilar words: bottledbottleneckwine bottlemottledthrottlelittle by littlebottomat bottomMeaning: ['bɒtl]  n. 1. a glass or plastic vessel used for storing drinks or other liquids; typically cylindrical without handles and with a narrow neck that can be plugged or capped 2. the quantity contained in a bottle 3. a vessel fitted with a flexible teat and filled with milk or formula; used as a substitute for breast feeding infants and very young children. v. 1. store (liquids or gases) in bottles 2. put into bottles. 
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241) With a howl of rage, he grabbed the neck of a broken bottle and advanced.
242) I poured some water and screwed the lid back on the bottle.
243) This bottle holds one liter.
244) Someone smashed a bottle.
245) The Swiss have an interesting army. Five hundred years without a war. Pretty impressive. Also pretty lucky for them. Ever seen that little Swiss Army knife they have to fight with? Not much of a weapon there. Corkscrews. Bottle openers. "Come on, buddy, let's go. You get past me, the guy in the back of me, he's got a spoon. Back off, I've got the toe clippers right here". Jerry Seinfeld 
246) Hit the bottom and get back up; or hit the bottle and stay down. Anthony Liccione 
247) Has been infused into ink bottle.
248) There's little ink in the ink bottle.
249) The cursor changes into ink bottle.
250) Small bottle or individual swabs of isopropyl alcohol.
251) Still have a bottle of whisky -- delegate idler.
252) Mary,( can you pass the ketchup bottle?
253) This Swiss chocolate liqueur has small squares of chocolate inside the bottle.
254) It had not been the water glass he'd overturned during the night -- it ink bottle.
255) The best way to get the trade mark off the bottle is to soak it off.
256) Then, I caught a few fish on the bottle, and keep company shrimp.
257) The test was carried out on the isoTherm Perfect 1 litre vacuum bottle with automatic stopper.
258) The host took out a bottle of 12 - year - old malt whisky to entertain us.
259) Francesca said nothing but smiled softly and raised her bottle a little , hesitantly, awkwardly.
260) His books, wand , parchment, and quill the floor and his ink bottle smashed on the topmost.
261) A hermetic seal is used at the top of this glass bottle.
262) An ice bag or hot water bottle applied to the back many also help tothe pain.
263) I incautiously pull down the ink bottle and the ink splashed all over the desk.
264) The simplest procedure is to immerse the stoppered bottle to the required depth.
265) The utility model discloses an ink bottle, which belongs to the technical field of stationery.
266) Ad series: all kinds of inflatable model, blowing cylinders, blowing bottle, balloon, hot air balloon.
267) The boy inked his clothes when he broke down the ink bottle.
268) Bob washed down the hotdog with a bottle of Coke.
269) The result was the unique hourglass - like bottle the company used in the past.
270) Whenever he has any kink worry, he just hits the bottle.
More similar words: bottledbottleneckwine bottlemottledthrottlelittle by littlebottomat bottommettlekettlecattlenettlebattlelittlesettlerattlebrittlea littlescuttlebrattleshuttleprattlewhittlesettle forunsettleresettlebelittlenot a littlesettle downunsettled
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