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Acceleration in a sentence

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Sentence count:200+3Posted:2017-05-01Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: decelerationretardationSimilar words: acceleratecelebrationtolerationdecelerateoperationoperationsiterationacculturationMeaning: [æk‚selə'reɪʃn]  n. 1. an increase in rate of change 2. the act of accelerating; increasing the speed 3. (physics) a rate of increase of velocity. 
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151. The analytical method of obtaining maximum safe feedrate along a curved cutter path with driving force and acceleration constraints is also introduced.
152. The string forms the connection between the rotating disc and the ball and therefore, the pull is responsible for the centripetal acceleration.
153. Two cases of power spectral intensity function for the earthquake acceleration imput at the base rock are considered: the white noise spectrum and filter white noise spectrum.
154. Is the well-known equation for velocity under constant acceleration. This equation is linear; the slope of the line is the acceleration.
155. Mr Smith was addressing a meeting organised by an independent committee set up by the National Research Council to probe the causes of unintended acceleration.
156. We have given up that slowness for the prestige of acceleration.
156. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
157. Calculation results indicate that the vibration acceleration of beam and pier can be more effectively reduced with steel spring bearing.
158. The noise power, sound intensity, sound pressure, vibration acceleration and corresponding time-frequency spectrum of 6480 driver axle surface were measured and analysed.
159. The ultra - relativistic electron acceleration by Langmuir plasmons in laser plasma has been studied.
160. The system can simulate the executive process of NC programme files, and realize the simulation of speed and acceleration curve, and process time and distance with the unit of controlling period.
161. Once might be happenstance. But this strange extra acceleration was seen subsequently with two other craft.
162. The motor delivers faster acceleration than most gasoline sportbikes without ever having to shift gears.
163. Method 3: When holiday, might as well or has the acceleration blood circulation plant volatile oil using the market condition in bath salt to put in the bathtub, soaks the thin leg bath.
164. Aim To investigate the changes of dynorphin and enkephalin with naloxone in rat's brain tissue and the pain threshold of tail flick after positive and negative acceleration loaded.
165. This paper describes how to integrate anti-lock brake system(ABS), acceleration slip regulation (ASR) and radar range system into vehicle braking system with fuzzy logic controller.
166. The principles and approaches for measuring angular acceleration were studied to find a feasible way to obtain the accurate and successive value of angular acceleration.
167. The simulation indicated that the delay charge was projected under overload with a high acceleration, and accorded with the experimental data.
168. The control strategy of adaptive ASLMS-based harmonic cancellation is proposed for eliminating the higher harmonics of acceleration response.
169. This paper gives a kind of test method, focusing on acceleration test.
170. Results: The preparation in commercial packing was stable after acceleration test and storage at room temperature.
171. The smooth heart-stirring acceleration and effortless cruising power that characterise the GS430′s peerless sports performance are generated by a sophisticated 4.3 - litre V8 engine.
172. Direct tensile, acceleration, and shock wave tests belong to the tensile test group, whereas adhesive tape, direct shear, peel and scratch tests belong to the shear test group.
173. There is no acceleration in the y direction, only in x direction when it starts moving, and that's why we split it.
174. The active international exchange and cooperation are the booster for the acceleration of modern logistics industry.
175. Die bonding plays a key role in effecting the quality and efficiency of IC production. The rapid development brings a challenge to the system in utmost stroke, speed, acceleration and accuracy.
176. The source is used for UV life acceleration test and for studying UV radiation effect of satellite mechanical and electrical products.
177. In molding process the maximum value of acceleration of the molding table has been tested by means of piezoelectric accelerometer, electrical charge amplifier and peak volt meter.
178. A data processing method used for engine dynamometry by acceleration is proposed.
179. The analyzing and calculating results can guide the designing and machining of this kind of acceleration switch.
180. The calefaction and acceleration process of ceramic powders in plasma spray were studied by numerical simulation.
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