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SMS in a sentence

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Sentence count:81Posted:2017-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
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(61) SMS daemon for SMS gateway complete source code can be used directly.
(62) SMS text messaging has become a popular way for people to communicate.
(63) Inserting the data into a table residing in a DMS table space takes about one-fourth of the time compared to the SMS table space.
(64) To send out an SMS message through email, the method needs to provide the PostOffice's sendMail method with SMTP server and port information.
(65) The basic account also comes with 20 free SMS alerts, while business account users can receive up to 200 alerts by text message.
(66) Able to share bus line query result via SMS or Email.
(67) CHI is integrated with STK and SMS channel to realize the downloading of OTA services.
(68) A rapid surveillance and reporting system through SMS messaging systems has been established by the MoH and the public IT agency with WHO collaboration.
(69) The campaign put its SMS "short code" on T-shirts, online ads and rally placards.
(70) During the recent fundraising drive to support Haiti, you may have responded to the Red Cross call to text funds using the "90999" SMS short code.
(71) To this end, companies express mail systems need to provide bulk mail, bulk SMS and other functions.
(71) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(72) Social media, along with SMS and traditional word-of-mouth, has also been an important tool to coordinate the grassroots protests which don't really have any leaders yet.
(73) Boot the system into the SMS, and open a terminal window (if applicable).
(74) The service called Clickatell SMS Receipts notifies banking customers of account activity via SMS alerts.
(75) The coward's way is to break up by SMS, e - mail or phone message.
(76) The hardware password for systems management services (SMS) is required to establish the virtual terminal window.
(77) Objective : To analyze the characteristics and occurrence of silent mitral stenosis ( SMS ) in rheumatic heart disease.
(78) Nic also managed to write code that reconstructs an average SMS based on words from all the messages queued up.
(79) People can donate money to quake - hit areas by sending SMS.
(80) According to the Journal, Eelco Blok, the head of Royal KPN, a Dutch telecommunications company, had a rather interesting perspective on SMS and its cultural impact.
(81) Next week, SMS your friends about Earth Hour and ask them to help forward the message.
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