![Good sentence's beautiful picture_Speech is silver [silvern], (but) silence is gold [golden].](https://other.sentencedict.com/simage/867/41867.jpg)
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sentence: | Speech is silver [silvern], (but) silence is gold [golden]. |
- Similar sentences
- Silence is golden, but speech is silver [silvern].
- Speech is silver (or silvern), silence is golden.
- Humor is the most honest of emotions. Applause for a speech can be insincere, but with humor, if th..
- A swarm in May is worth a load of hay; a swarm in June is worth a silver spoon; but a swarm in July..
- If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter..
- Speech is the index of the mind.
- Speech is the picture of the mind.
- Speech is a mirror of the soul; as a man speaks, so is he.
- Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.
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- Wisdom is better than gold or silver.
- Apply yourself to true riches; it is shameful to depend upon silver and gold for a happy life.
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