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Home > Awe in a sentence

Awe in a sentence

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Sentence count:187+9Posted:2016-12-13Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: alarmastonishmentdreadrespectsurpriseAntonym: contemptinsolencescornSimilar words: drawerMeaning: [ɔː]  n. 1. an overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration 2. a profound emotion inspired by a deity. v. inspire awe in. 
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91 Homer says that he felt awe to slay a man who had been taught his divine art by the gods.
92 She was still slightly in awe of Violette, her worldliness, her sharp tongue.
93 Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world. John Milton 
94 The scenery inspires awe and apprehension and fear even on a summer day; in stormy conditions, the effect is frightening.
95 Terry seemed to regard it with awe and wonder, Ellie thought it was desperate, morbid, the stuff of nightmares.
96 Williams said, still recalling his awe at being in the presence of star dancers like Truitte.
97 Bee swarms, on the other hand, evoke another sort of awe.
98 Gelb was clearly in awe of his friend's strength and perseverance.
98 Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
99 The London Planetarium no longer strikes one with quite the same sense of awe, because planetariums are no longer new.
100 From a high dune vantage point one can only look in awe at the purple dappled carpet spread out below.
101 Stories that she lightheartedly tipped him off his surfboard do not ring true of Diana who was totally in awe of him.
102 Little Miss Fogerty was in considerable awe of Miss Watson, but a burglary was to alter their relationship.
103 Around Salomon no tone but awe was used when he was discussed.
104 All of us are in awe of the astronomers and the astrophysicists who are able to predict the composition of the stars.
105 He had listened with awe and not a little terror to the amazing revelations which Omally had skilfully wrung from the shopkeeper.
106 A businessman walking to his car was struck by lightning and critically injured as co-workers watched in awe.
107 Now, in her prime years, she was treated with respect, deference and even a little awe.
108 Business people stand in awe of power people who make things happen.
109 Six or seven women fainted, children screamed, grown men gasped in awe and disbelief.
110 The risk be in awe of the heart.
111 The Israel Philharmonic were in awe of the music.
112 Even the crowd gaped in awe.
113 He stands in awe of his superior.
114 The imprisoned soldiers were in awe of their captors.
115 She filled me with a sense of awe.
116 An unsought pathos came hand in hand with awe.
117 We always stand in awe of our manager.
118 We stood in awe of the lofty redwood trees.
119 The knight were all in awe of Merlin.
120 An unsought pathos came hand in had with awe.
More similar words: drawer
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