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Sobbing in a sentence

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Sentence count:102+8Posted:2017-02-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: hobbingebbingbombingharbingerdisturbingsobdisobeyrabbiMeaning: [sɑb /sɒb]  n. convulsive gasp made while weeping. 
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61. Sobbing, gasping for breath, she began to crawl across the floor.
62. He woke up finally from a nightmare of dismembered bodies and prison guards to find himself bathed in sweat and sobbing uncontrollably.
63. The sound of her sobbing kept them awake all night.
64. Westerveld was submerged under a mountain of red shirts, Birmingham's valiant O'Connor and Jon McCarthy were left sobbing.
65. Her parents were there, sobbing painfully, her younger brother, and older sister.
66. I can hear myself running through a subway, sobbing and stumbling, with footsteps behind me, like a terrifying nightmare.
67. Marion, in her distressed, emotional state, was sobbing in bed.
68. Anna was sobbing with fear, but somehow Liz felt less afraid now.
69. His wife sat next to him, sobbing into a scarf.
70. Leyland was sitting beside me, and he was sobbing, too.
71. The sobbing of that girl because of grieved news.
72. The sobbing voice had an undertone of anger.
73. She was sobbing out of heart.
74. Her mother's words and help comforted the sobbing child.
75. She was sobbing her loneliness into her pillow.
76. She was still sobbing soundlessly.
77. Wade flew sobbing to hide himself under the house.
78. She shut herself in her bedroom sobbing her heart out.
79. Also, Miral'' s directed by Julian Schnabel(,[sentencedict .com] who brought the beautiful Diving Bell And The Butterfly to our screens – a film that some of us are still sobbing into our morning coffee over.
80. He was sobbing and the sound could be heard below.
81. The survivors crowded out at ground level, many sobbing and tear - stained.
82. Mrs. Harper gave a sobbing good - night and turned to go.
83. News photographs showed the 29-year-old pop star, sporting uncharacteristically short hair, saluting hundreds of fans (many of them sobbing) as he prepared to enter an army base near Seoul.
84. The public at large, pedestrians and pederasts, goldfish and spun glass palm trees, donkeys sobbing, all circulating freely through quincuncial alleys .
85. A patient was threshing about with his arms, sobbing wildly.
86. Mother couldn't help sobbing. Wiping her red and tumid eyes full of blood streaks, she said, "Your father has just fallen asleep, always hurt to wake up more than ten times a night."
87. With mumble, sobbing, cheering , prayerful , tender or doting voice.
88. Xiangzi's heart seemed to split in two, he burst out sobbing.
89. But the sobbing Kazakh woman could not say a word.
90. I was hiding in the bathroom for something like the forty-seventh consecutive night, and—just as during all those nights before—I was sobbing.
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