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Dismissal in a sentence

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Sentence count:241+14Posted:2016-11-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: dismisstransmissionvassalrenaissanceremissmissilemissingmissionMeaning: [-sl]  n. 1. a judgment disposing of the matter without a trial 2. official notice that you have been fired from your job 3. permission to go; the sending away of someone 4. the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart). 
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211. After the dismissal of the cook we had to make our meals ourselves.
212. Tenure for life in leading posts is linked both to feudal influences and to the continued absence of proper regulations in the Party for the retirement and dismissal of cadres.
213. As an important system in employment contract law, dismissal wage by nature should be obligatory or legal help given by employer to employee passively unemployed.
214. Under the pressure of the Powers Beijing Government at last gave up the order that the Customs levy the Surtax, but the dismissal of Aglen was unchangeable.
215. In the discussion of dismissal wage nature, the theory of employer help obligation centralized the legal thought of social law.
216. The first-half dismissal of Adam was compounded by an injury to Agger that saw the centre back replaced by debutant Sebastian Coates.
217. Ensure there are no unjustified restrictions or limitations, and review and concur in the appointment, replacement, or dismissal of the chief audit executive.
218. "Labor Contract Law of PRC"and its enforcement regulation make a significant change in dismissal wage system under"Labor Law of PRC".
219. His dismissal has no connection with the quality of his work.
220. We sought to determine the agreement between the dismissal diagnosis from an LQTS subspecialty clinic and the original referral diagnosis.
221. I acknowledge that untruthful or omission answers are cause for immediate dismissal if employed.
222. For the support rates, as those who opted for the dismissal of Michael Suen dropped to 40%, all officials are now quite safe below the 50% danger line.
223. You seized on that failure and obtained a dismissal of the case based on a technicality.
224. Ma Yimu, the executive editor in chief of the magazine, announced the dismissal Monday on his microblog, saying, "I cannot believe it.
225. His dismissal signaled the beginning of Emperor Xuanzong s fatuity and the decline of the great Tang Empire.
226. The legal contract specifies my status in terms of tenure, salary, pension, dismissal, redundancy, discipline,( etc.
227. Once the school bell sounded signaling dismissal, the children rose from their desks and headed tantivy for the exits.
228. He took his case of unfair dismissal to the industrial relations tribunal.
229. An exclusive statement from Justin Bieber's team responded to the dismissal of her paternity suit.
230. "It was really hard; it makes me teary to think about it, " she says, trying (without success) not to cry at the memory of the weeks that followed her dismissal.
231. But regardless of Milton's ultimate dismissal of Satan's position, Satan's analysis of power, and of God's power especially, isn't that easily dismissible.
232. Destruction or theft of camp or personal property will result in dismissal.
233. Conclusion:Chronic kidney disease in adult patients in the high prevalence rate, the false dismissal rate is also high.
234. I acknowledge that untruthful or omitted answers are cause for immediate dismissal if employed.
235. Dismissal homebound three more than ten years of poetry husband amused.
236. The court upheld his claim for damages for wrongful dismissal.
237. Law An annulment or acquittal; dismissal, as of a court order.
238. He took his case of unfair dismissal industrial relations tribunal.
239. Law An annulment acquittal ; dismissal, of a court order.
240. Reflecting the chaos created by the ruling, a lawyer for Salim Ahmed Hamdan, Osama bin Laden's one-time driver, said he will seek dismissal of the charges against Hamdan.
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