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Missile in a sentence

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Sentence count:190+22 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: projectilerocketSimilar words: missingmissionemissioncommissionpermissionadmissionmissionarycommissionerMeaning: ['mɪsl /'mɪsaɪl]  n. 1. a rocket carrying a warhead of conventional or nuclear explosives; may be ballistic or directed by remote control 2. a weapon that is forcibly thrown or projected at a targets but is not self-propelled. 
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1, Missile attacks on the capital resumed at dawn.
2, The missile deflected from its trajectory.
3, A missile hit the ship and sank it.
4, Their most potent weapon was the Exocet missile.
5, Their missile silos are below ground.
6, He was arrested for spying on missile sites.
7, A hand-grenade is a missile weapon.
8, They claimed to have shot down one incoming missile.
9, The missile homed in on the ship.
10, The missile rose upward into the sky.
11, The missile overshot its target.
12, We got a fix on the missile launching site.
13, The missile blasted off.
14, The guidance systems didn't work and the missile couldn't hit its target.
15, An investigation is underway after a missile self-destructed shortly after it was launched.
16, Missile deployment did much to further polarize opinion in Britain.
17, The missile had torn a jagged hole in the side of the ship.
18, The missile warhead hit the target,( effecting a nuclear explosion.
19, Blake was poleaxed by a missile thrown from the crowd.
20, It is still not clear why the missile veered off course.
21, The missile strike was devastating - the target was totally obliterated.
22, The infantry have taken/borne the brunt of the missile attacks.
23, The missile landed ten miles short .
24, Each missile packs several warheads.
25, The missile homed in on the target.
26, They will test-fire an anti-missile missile next week.
27, The enemy's ship was hit by our missile.
28, The smallest deflection of the missile could bring disaster.
29, The missile fell harmlessly into the sea.
30, The laser guidance system dramatically increases the likelihood that the missile will strike home.
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