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Bow in a sentence

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Sentence count:191+12Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bendkneelstoopAntonym: sternSimilar words: bowlelbowMeaning: [baʊ]  n. 1. a knot with two loops and loose ends; used to tie shoelaces 2. a slightly curved piece of resilient wood with taut horsehair strands, used in playing certain stringed instrument 3. front part of a vessel or aircraft 4. curved piece of resilient wood with taut cord to propel arrows 5. something curved in shape 6. bending the head or body or knee as a sign of reverence or submission or shame 7. an appearance by actors or performers at the end of the concert or play in order to acknowledge the applause of the audience 8. a decorative interlacing of ribbons 9. a stroke with a curved piece of wood with taut horsehair strands that is used in playing stringed instruments. v. 1. bend one's knee or body, or lower one's head 2. submit or yield to another's wish or opinion 3. bend the head or the upper part of the body in a gesture of respect or greeting 4. bend one's back forward from the waist on down 5. play on a string instrument. 
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121 He came to his front door to say goodbye, which he did with a handshake and a slight bow.
122 Some one in Manhattan they would bow down and adore.
123 Lupe took the ribbon out of her hair and made a bow and glued it on to her cover.
124 Either that, or he had only yesterday decided to bow to fashion and grow a beard.
125 And the worst thing was that I really had little choice but to bow to their wishes.
126 What was the point of owning a bazooka if the law made you hunt with a bow and arrow?
127 After a lucky thirteen episodes, Crawford decided that Frank Spencer should bow out.
128 The boats leaned, a kind of bow to your partner.
129 Marsden held out his hand and took hers in a strong grip, at the same time giving the faintest possible bow.
130 The Oistrakhs bow and scrape in evening dress, on Emi-tape.
131 Then Herb, Junior, had taken his bow and arrow and wounded one of the beasts in the hindquarters.
132 I wondered if it might take a bow, but it didn't.
133 There was great applause when the Makhmalbaf family took a bow.
134 She reached the coast road and a fire engine charged into view,[] spreading a bow wave.
135 At my doorway, Jules said goodnight with a formal little bow.
136 The yacht pitched forward as they slid down the bow wave.
137 She stood still and fitted an arrow to her bow and shot.
138 Then, turning back, he made a final bow to the row of tiny images.
139 Her blonde hair was pulled back into a smooth chignon and tied with a yellow silk bow.
140 To make the bow Tie a knot centrally in strip.
141 Meg Dennison was in a long black skirt and a blue patterned silk blouse with a bow at the neck.
142 I was wearing a blouse with a long string bow tie.
143 The cellist took up his bow, and drew across his instrument a few subdued notes of Bach.
144 But still, because he does not bow down before his own popularity, he retains a certain distance.
145 They began their Springbok lives together but both reject suggestions that they plan to bow out at Twickenham.
146 Sheila sauntered in wearing slacks and an artificial-silk print blouse with a bow at around 7: 30.
147 Berdichev smiled tightly and gave the barest of nods in response to Clarac's respectful bow.
148 Before entering it,( a student must make a formal bow at the doorway as a mark of respect.
149 They bucked, reared and shot forward like arrows from a bow.
150 She made a slight bow and wheeled to the next desk.
More similar words: bowlelbow
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