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Announce in a sentence

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Sentence count:196+8Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: broadcastdeclarenotifyproclaimreportstatetellSimilar words: announcementbouncecannotcannot helpmore often than notcounciluncertainuncertaintyMeaning: [ə'naʊns]  v. 1. make known; make an announcement 2. announce publicly or officially 3. give the names of 4. foreshadow or presage. 
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91. Floyd Flake went to his church Sunday to announce his resignation from Congress so he could devote more time to his congregation.
92. The president deployed the weapon with which he has calmed past discontents, saying he would announce his heir-apparent.
93. A stock index does not oscillate with such frightening amplitude as we have witnessed recently unless to announce some tectonic change ahead.
94. Lawrence will announce a series of pre-season friendlies next week, with the standard tougher than last year.
95. Albright may announce additional appointments at her first State Department news conference Friday afternoon.
96. The Minister may want to announce what it now contains, because we have had no official announcement.
97. Clients will announce their intentions to the group, and then report back the following week.
98. Ivashko adjourned the meeting, and the politburo went into emergency session, emerging to announce its unanimous backing for Gorbachev.
99. We regret to announce the death of a distinguished man of letters.
100. A couple may begin living together or formally announce their engagement.
101. On Thursday Mr Lamont will announce the results of the bitter and heated arguments over public spending.
102. And long-distance carrier Sprint expects to announce similar services this summer.
103. But prices at the pumps remained unchanged, enabling oil companies to announce record profits.
104. The Sprint venture expects to announce agreements with other manufacturers later this month.
105. Y., company said it expects to announce its results for the fourth quarter and year sometime in mid-February.
106. The government will announce interim measures to tackle fuel shortages.
107. This party had the nerve to announce his shameful embarrassments to all the world!
108. Never tell local shopkeepers that you are going on holiday, or announce the fact in a public place.
109. Sometime before Jan. 22, Chantal will announce estimated earnings for the second quarter and six months ended Dec. 31.
110. So I call a meeting and announce a new policy on defaulted contracts, and I get these knowing looks.
111. But, no, he had called us together to announce that we were about to enter the computer age.
112. He is also expected to announce tax relief for overseas donations of existing drugs by pharmaceutical companies.
113. Khasbulatov returned to announce that Gorbachev had agreed to withdraw the troops on the following day.
114. Next month, it was learned yesterday, StrataCom will announce multimillion-dollar contracts to sell high-speed networking switches.
115. The magazine publisher will formally announce his withdrawal in Washington Thursday.
116. The university then called the press conference to announce the news.
117. It is with great sadness that I announce that our marriage is at an end.
118. Clearly his first task was to call on him and announce his arrival.
119. He has already started negotiations, and hopes to announce alliances next month.
120. They suffered years of guilt and dissimulation before they could announce their own agnosticism or adamant disbelief.
More similar words: announcementbouncecannotcannot helpmore often than notcounciluncertainuncertaintyround and roundrun outin no wayburn outenoughturn outeven nowheinousrun out ofin no timewannaannualmannerindigenousannuallyplannerchannelinnovationinnovativeplanningpunchuncle
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