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Albeit in a sentence

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Sentence count:167+5Posted:2016-11-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: fall behindalbumjudicial brancheitherfor the time beingneitherforfeitconceit
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121. But others that have lived, albeit grumpily , with Israel's basement bomb for years—including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, possibly even Turkey—are unlikely to wait to find out.
122. Josh Howard seems like a nice kid albeit a fairly quiet reclusive one with the media.
123. Screensaver - a fun way to look at your news item, albeit not really useful for reading purposes.
124. After a three-day siege, the hair-raising showdown on Nov. 29 led to the death of the remaining militants, albeit at significant human cost.
125. Wenger isn't coming so the most likely successor is Didier Deschamps, while Eric Cantona has been discussed as well (albeit light-heartedly, as he's currently coaching the French beach football team).
126. Meanwhile a newly restored dividend -- albeit a measly one penny per share -- and a ten-for-one reverse stock split could drag its shares out of the single digits.
127. The 42-year-old artist/director wisely opted for a loose-fitting - albeit thigh-length - Matthew Williamson dress.
128. Still,( even a nonpsionic being can feel the pain of a psionic attack mode albeit blunted.
129. In the first few months of the siege, food could be purchased, albeit at exorbitant prices.
130. The first was Konrad Adenauer when he addressed both Houses of Congress in 1957, albeit one after the other.
131. But the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office rejected Bilski's patent application on the grounds that his was an abstract, albeit useful, idea that did not involve a machine or transform physical matter.
132. Twenty percent of people identify themselves as chronic procrastinators. For them procrastination is a lifestyle, albeit a maladaptive one.
133. A gentle - albeit somewhat fictionalized - bond forms between Wood and Lugosi. Depp does a spectacular job of fleshing out Wood's quirky innocence and unbridled passion for moviemaking.
134. The same idea was expressed, albeit less nobly, in Otto von Bismarck's alleged quip that "God has a special providence for fools, drunks, and the United States."
135. I feel that same process happening here, albeit agonizingly slowly.
136. A Screen session is running (albeit unseen), and window A is active, running the top system monitor, which refreshes system performance information every few seconds.
137. Suddenly, it feels like the early days of personal computing, albeit computers are now deeply ingrained in nearly every aspect of life.
138. But during a recent drive from downtown Tianjin to his suburban home, Gong couldn't stop complaining about life, albeit in a rustic, good-humored way.
139. Even so, they continued to invest in Latin America, albeit at a frenetic pace.
140. For them procrastination is a lifestyle, albeit a maladaptive one.
141. The very surge in U.S. debt -- the Treasury plans gross issuance this fiscal year of $8 trillion -- means China's heavy buying is increasingly looking like a drop, albeit a very big one, in the ocean.
142. Fortunately, his zealotry contained several kernels of sound, albeit intuitive, advice.
143. A single Dual Proton Cannon makes up the Salem's primary direct fire capability. This destroyer deploys legs when it encounters land, enabling it to walk, albeit very slowly.
144. Now I would witness the drama unfold firsthand, albeit as a flunky .
145. In addition to aminocarb, seven other pesticides were also found to undergo N demethylation, albeit at relatively low rates.
146. That's meditation in a nutshell, albeit a one minute taste of it.
147. What customers are more likely to see now is a direct correlation between the bank rate and their borrowing costs, just like a tracker mortgage, albeit with less protection of their 'personal rate'.
148. The charge-sheet of alleged European crimes is a familiar one, albeit rewritten with fresh evidence.
149. Please be very careful when you use p16 in this situation, since both dysplastic glands and tubal metaplastic glands will be positive for p16, albeit AIS glands are more diffuse than metaplastic ones.
150. Both December Rains and Mothra, meanwhile, sport vocoder, albeit employed with a welcome restraint.
More similar words: fall behindalbumjudicial brancheitherfor the time beingneitherforfeitconceitdeceitfulconceitedreiteratecome into beingtake it easybe independent of
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