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Thermoplastic in a sentence

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Sentence count:112+1Posted:2017-06-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: plasticplasticsplasticineplasticityplastic surgeryplastic explosiveprotoplastchloroplastMeaning: n. a material that softens when heated and hardens again when cooled. adj. having the property of softening or fusing when heated and of hardening and becoming rigid again when cooled. 
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91. Affecting factor included molecular weight and dosage of thermoplastic resin and its compatibility with bismaleimide.
92. The effect of thermoplastic phenolic resin and sand on performance of resin coated sand was researched.
93. Dr. Walter's studies had been carried out with equipment fabricated from elastic thermoplastic vinylite resin that incorporated an ion-exchange column (p. 770) of sulfonated polystyrene copolymer.
94. Thermoplastic polyurethane based on polybutadiene was prepared by using Haake mixer.
95. The appliances made of thermoplastic material, so-called "boil-and-bite" devices, are meant to provide an individualized fit and to be an alternative to devices made by technicians from dental casts.
96. Polypropylene (PP) is one of the most promising thermoplastic polymer. However, the use of polypropylene has been restricted because it is a kind of non-polar polymer.
97. Advances in thermoplastic interpenetrating polymer networks and interpenetrating polymer networks based on castor oil are reviewed.
98. Thermoplastic material is a kind of high scientific and technologic product in wide use,[] while irradiation is the key procedure in thermoplastic production.
99. Carbon black was blended into thermoplastic polyurethane, the electrical conductive fiber was obtained by melting spinning.
100. A trademark used for a transparent thermoplastic acrylic resin employed in paints, enamels and primers.
101. Thermoplastic elastomer TPR TPE /, also called artificial rubber or synthetic rubber.
102. In this paper, the properties modification of cyanate resin by blending or co-polymerization with thermoplastic, rubber, thermoset resins and olefinically unsaturated compounds is introduced.
103. Polyoxymethylene is an excellent thermoplastic for engineering with the nature of high crystallinity.
104. In the system, carbon fibers are integrated into kilometer - long strips of meltable thermoplastic resin.
105. Thermoplastic materials can be remelted and cooled time after time without undergoing any appreciable chemical change.
106. The kinds of high-property thermoplastic resin, properties of them and their composites, technologies for making prepreg and ports, and their application in aircrafts were reviewed in the paper.
107. A high performance thermoplastic polyester elastomer with food compliance specificity.
108. The Funnel supplies the screw of plasticization in granulated of thermoplastic material.
109. It includes thermoplastic positioning waist harness and D-style collars on both sides, and is able to fix user's position, and provide back brace protection.
110. The long fiber thermoplastic material for forming composite muffler systems also provides increased impact strength and creep resistance as well as chemical and thermal resistance.
111. PVC " is an antiflaming, self - extinguishing, chemicals, electrical insulation and thermoplastic. "
112. Through analysis of various of match materials, hot-solidified epoxy colophony and thermoplastic and machinable wax are chosen as part material and support material.
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