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Staple in a sentence

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Sentence count:217+6Posted:2017-02-01Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: attachbindclaspconnectfastenimportantjoinlinkmainprincipalSimilar words: paraplegicgestapoaplombtaptapetappedtaperedset apartMeaning: [steɪpl]  n. 1. (usually plural) a necessary commodity for which demand is constant 2. a natural fiber (raw cotton, wool, hemp, flax) that can be twisted to form yarn 3. material suitable for manufacture or use or finishing 4. a short U-shaped wire nail for securing cables 5. paper fastener consisting of a short length of U-shaped wire that can fasten papers together. v. secure or fasten with a staple or staples. adj. necessary foods or commodities. 
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31. It is well known that bamboo shoots are a panda's staple diet.
32. Staple food crops are maize, sorghum and wheat.
33. Tortillas are a staple of Mexican cooking.
34. In Brazil, the black bean is a staple crop.
35. Altogether they lost five staple crops.
36. As she pulled out the last tenacious staple,( a cassette tape fell out into her lap.
37. The staple diet for most of the coral fishes should be a good dry food.
38. Though insects are a dietary staple in much of the world, squeamish Western palates resist.
39. Finally, staple them together and flip through them to see them move.
40. It was what we know as recitative and it became the staple of opera in musica.
41. Think of the impact of the revolutionary Cuisinart food processor introduced in this country in 1973 and now a household staple.
42. People in the coastal region live on a staple diet of rice and fish.
43. The promise of massive tax cuts is a political staple that has always played well in the past.
44. We had to staple a polythene vapour barrier to the rafters of a pitched roof.
45. It is hard and lacks nutrients and yet is the panda's staple diet.
46. A recently-introduced ban on the fishing of sand eels, the birds' staple food, has been credited with the success.
47. In living-rooms throughout the country, violence, gratuitous and graphic, is often the staple diet of the video generation.
48. Ice skating has long been a staple of ABC's sports programming.
49. They could catch and eat more of their staple diet - worms and insects - surviving in accordance with the laws of natural selection.
50. The great agrarian depression of the 1870s and 1880s was thus essentially a depression of the staple national and international food-crops.
51. Below: wild rice and grits are staple elements in Cajun cooking.
52. They may also be following the migration of their staple food, anchovies.
53. It rapidly became a staple, and has remained the major crop throughout the modern period.
54. The staple food of mankind in the Middle Ages was bread, and his staple drink ale or water.
55. In the prototype, the battery was housed by folding the tie lining around it, and fastening with a staple.
56. Alternative medicine is now a staple of continuing education at Harvard University Medical School.
57. Redistribution would enable the poor to support themselves and produce staple crops for the landless.
58. The fortification of staple foods with folic acid to prevent neural tube defects may be unwisely delayed on this account.
59. Worms are a staple diet and these have been in short supply due to the summer drought.
60. They throw to the tight end down the middle enough to have made Jones a staple in the Pro Bowl.
More similar words: paraplegicgestapoaplombtaptapetappedtaperedset apartmetaphorat a profitjuxtaposemetaphoricallypleaapplesuppleamplepleadpurplecomplexperplextempledepletesampleplentydropletpeoplerepletecoupletopplewimple
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