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Doomed in a sentence

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Sentence count:182+14Posted:2017-02-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: baby boomercome downmeddlesomeaccustomedcome homedoordoorwayoutdoorMeaning: [-md]  n. people who are destined to die soon. adj. 1. marked for certain death 2. in danger of the eternal punishment of hell 3. marked by or promising bad fortune 4. (usually followed by `to') determined by tragic fate. 
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61, Even those you thought were doomed.
62, In truth, it was doomed from the very start.
63, Consequently, the widescale sanatorium service was doomed, an enormously cost effective benefit for both developing and developed countries.
64, Lurk in my local chemist, close to the Vatican, and the call seems doomed.
65, Even so, such alliances are, in the long run, doomed to failure.
66, She has become a parody of herself, doomed to spend the rest of her life acting out her own mythical qualities.
67, Any rigid scheme that means exact amounts of specific exercise must be carried out each day is usually doomed to failure.
68, You both are doomed to the bottomless pits of hell.
69, Studies of other disorders show that medications given without such support likely are doomed to fail.
70, The beeches, in the absence of recruits to replace plants dying of old age, seem doomed.
70, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
71, However, deprived as they were of serious critical accolade, they were doomed to outsider status by the art world itself.
72, Any individual initiative against them is doomed from the start.
73, Another airborne bid for peace that Churchill disapproved of, likewise doomed to failure.
74, It is lazy to assume that Bush is doomed to fail or that he and his administration are unequipped for the job.
75, When Lord Leverhulme abandoned Lewis,( the crofting villages seemed doomed to a steady decline and eventual extinction.
76, Things weren't good - perhaps the film was doomed from the start.
77, The shares have recovered a bit since it was clear that the merger was doomed but still look good value.
78, If he lived he would be doomed to spend the war as a prisoner.
79, The belugas of the St Lawrence may now number only 400, and this local population is almost certainly doomed to extinction.
80, Those who pursue quality management on that basis are doomed to disappointment.
81, But his resistance was doomed to failure as the courtiers' position was confirmed by several royal decrees.
82, If this royal retreat has been trampled by an enthusiastic tourist - which is increasingly the case - the insect is doomed.
83, While one tale is all doomed romantic passion, the other portrays an unglamorous urge to stay alive.
84, His pale arms spinning through the water like the oiled wings of a doomed bird.
85, Like old Charles Foster Kane, they are doomed to stalk the dark, cavernous halls of their Xanadus.
86, If this happens it seems the old male is doomed.
87, In retrospect it is quite evident that this was a doomed endeavour.
88, Yet in the longer term a regime resting upon the narrowing social base of the landowning nobility was doomed.
89, Any animal with a solitary set of chromosomes is hence doomed to masculinity.
90, The attempt to revitalize shareholder democracy in this fashion is doomed to failure in the large public company.
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