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Desiccation in a sentence

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Sentence count:30Posted:2017-06-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: desiccatedesiccateddesiccantdesignationphysical educationdesertificationdomestic catratificationMeaning: [‚desɪ'keɪʃn]  n. 1. dryness resulting from the removal of water 2. the process of extracting moisture. 
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1. The dramatic desiccation of North Africa is a perplexing phenomenon.
2. Perhaps this is a response to desiccation.
3. Application: Suitable for desiccation, medical treatment and poultry artificial incubation.
4. It was suggested that desiccation sensitivity in recalcitrant wampee seeds was related to the metabolism of nucleic acids and proteins.
5. Desiccation cracks and contracted pores of the primary coagulum are also remarkable in metacrysts of pyrite.
6. Spores normally resist desiccation and have many ordinary procedures of disinfection.
7. Desiccation The drying out of an organism due to evaporation.
8. We also studied on the inspissation and desiccation technology, and find out the preparation method of the granule finally.
9. In Europe the desiccation and preservation of corpses is a particularly Sicilian affair.
10. Self - desiccation: autogenous relative humidity change of a cementitious material system after setting. caused by chemical shrinkage.
11. After the desiccation tolerance test, we can know generally that the storage behavior of Manglietia grandis seeds are intermediate type.
12. Changes in desiccation tolerance of pea ( Pisum sativum) seeds during imbibition were studied in this paper.
13. The film block design utilize special mixed desiccation to get off water and acid.
14. Three cases of homosexuality correction by electric desiccation under hypnoticsituation had all been done successfuly.
15. Insects can also lose heat by evaporation from their spiracles, but this may lead to desiccation.
16. Unprotected in the desert, they would lose so much water by evaporation that they would quickly die of desiccation.
17. He puts the variation down to pigeon damage and heavy rains after desiccation.
18. The funerary archaeologist has to be certain of the differences between desiccation and chemical preservation: embalming.
19. In this way the timbers will be protected from repeated desiccation and expansion, potentially a grave danger to such ancient wood.
20. Indeed, in order to develop properly, brine shrimp eggs have to undergo a period of desiccation.
21. The same note of emotional catharsis was sounded by the Romantic poets in general, after the desiccation of late neoclassicism.
22. They are there to protect the seed - and the germinating seedling - from desiccation and physical harm.
23. In this article some measures adopted in mass concrete construction of high rise building are discussed to avoid desiccation cracks, shrinkage crack and seepage.
24. When the low water - cement ratio gets off, concrete self - desiccation shrinkage produces easily.
25. It is possible on penetrating keratoplasty with preserved corneas by desiccation in clinical use.
26. The shaped sculptural model should abstain from sunlight or fire, the right desiccative way for the shaped model is air desiccation. After being inside out desiccated.
27. During the 6 w to 8 w, the model rats appeared in lethargy with narrowed eyes, accidie, loss of hair, increased drinking volume, dejecta desiccation, sweatiness and wateriness at tail.
28. The lakes may have undergone numerous episodes of inundation, evaporation ( and possibly freezing ), and desiccation.
28. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
29. Chondroitin sulfate was deposited by ethanol after eliminating the protein and fattiness with protease and lipase, then the product was gotten after desiccation.
30. Provided to and mining enterprises , laboratories and scientific research institutes for desiccation, torrefaction, wax - melting and sterilization.
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