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Thereupon in a sentence

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Sentence count:50+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-11-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: therewithwith thatSimilar words: once upon a timeenter uponmade up offire upflare upmeasure upmeasure up tobe responsible forMeaning: [‚ðerə'pɑn /‚ðeərə'pɒn]  adv. immediately after that. 
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1. Thereupon, we knew, our endeavor was valuable.
2. Thereupon the whole audience began cheering.
3. The police arrived. Thereupon the mob scattered.
4. The audience thereupon rose cheering to their feet.
5. He thereupon asked her to marry him.
6. I read your article, and wish to comment thereupon.
7. To their amazement, natives thereupon pronounced themselves healed.
8. The student body thereupon came out on strike.
8. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. Thereupon Miss T. received a transfusion of blood or plasma, it matters not which.
10. Thereupon the Chief gave me some white, blue, yellow, and shining herbs to use as medicines.
11. The landlords thereupon ordered their sharecroppers to plant no indigo and, simultaneously, increased the rent.
12. Thereupon, she said a prayer, took a pair of scissors and cut it off.
13. He thereupon immediately wrote to Kingsway Motors informing them of the situation and claiming the return of his purchase price.
14. Thereupon the appellants changed their pleas to guilty of unlawful possession and were convicted and sentenced.
15. The main center of the revolutionary movement thereupon shifted for the time being to the colonial countries.
16. Thereupon, widespread political rioting and arson, directed at Tory notables, broke out.
17. Thereupon the government arrested the women and gave each a three months' jail sentence.
18. The wealthy Bombay and Ahmedabad magnates thereupon withdrew their financial support of the ashram.
19. Brian Faulkner thereupon resigned as leader of the Unionist party and this was followed by further resignations.
20. Thereupon a cackling(, toothless old maidservant set aside the tray she was carrying and hobbled across to confront him.
21. The object thereupon begins to expand, and it will rapidly pick up speed.
22. Roussel thereupon encircled the palace at Hue with a thousand troops and demanded an audience with the boy ruler.
23. Thereupon this phrase in the preamble was depleted.
24. Her father thereupon accompanied her to the gig.
25. Two people continues thereupon to extroversive.
26. A binding contract is thereupon concluded.
27. Doctrine of supernatural being, circulates thereupon in the world.
28. The knight carried a shield with a cross painted thereupon.
29. Some months ago angry demonstrators mounted a noisy demonstration beneath his window. His neighbours thereupon insisted upon more security.
30. He handed over his delivery order to an official who thereupon gave instructions for loading to commence.
More similar words: once upon a timeenter uponmade up offire upflare upmeasure upmeasure up tobe responsible forhere and thereschadenfreudeponderkeep oncomponentopponentpostponerespondsponsorresponseuse uptie upcome upcorrespondresponsiverespondentgive upwake uptake upsize upline upmake up
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