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Envisioned in a sentence

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Sentence count:77Posted:2017-05-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: envisionvisionrevisionvisionaldivisionvisionaryprovisionsupervisionMeaning: [ɪn'vɪʒn]  adj. seen in the mind as a mental image. 
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1. As a young teacher, I envisioned a future of educational excellence.
2. I envisioned entire forests being spared by this breakthrough.
3. As currently envisioned, video on demand is merely a cheaper or more convenient replacement for the corner video store.
4. In addition to job creation, the plan envisioned improving the quality of the labor force through education and training programs.
5. I envisioned her smile, and the long sigh as we gave ourselves over to an honest conversation.
6. Like the political career of the man who envisioned it, the satellite may face a prolonged period in cold storage.
7. Underneath all the rebelliousness, of course, I never envisioned anything but a conventional Valparaiso-like future for myself.
8. He did not need to say that he envisioned this as a cooperative effort.
8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
9. I envisioned play would be a static simulation of the boisterous on-the-floor rivalries I shared with my siblings.
10. The protest I envisioned for that brief moment was relatively peaceful though, kind of like a pro-abortion march on Washington.
11. She envisioned the admiring glances of guests as they noted the sculptural perfection of the two McKintosh chairs poised in the foyer.
12. She envisioned an outreach effort with Rimes and enough feel-good songs to cheer little cowgirls and cowboys around the globe.
13. In his mind, he envisioned a young shepherd boy.
14. The first core memory was envisioned in 1948.
15. Other authentication implementations are envisioned, but not yet implemented.
16. What the utopias envisioned were in fact all-embracing prisons.
17. Alexander envisioned a cosmopolitan culture in his new empire.
18. The office of Security envisioned the drug as an interrogation weapon.
19. Nilo Rodis-Jamero's sketches envisioned speeder bikes as blocky and square-shaped,( with a large engine in the rear and controls in the foot pedals.
20. Like many authors, I envisioned hundreds of bookstore customers lining up for me to benevolently sign copies for them.
21. On the one hand, Envisioned Future conveys concreteness -- something visible, vivid, and real.
22. It can be autocratic and invade our privacy in ways that earlier generations could not have envisioned.
23. The original target of sharing super-computers was subsumed by the growing use of the network to do several tasks never envisioned initially.
24. It would mean a far more costly and complex voyage by human explorers, currently envisioned no sooner than 2018.
25. Consequently, Iridium will need to rely on more lucrative business customers than it had envisioned.
26. But government also can protect people in ways that earlier generations could not have envisioned.
27. In real life, neither proceeds in the linear, additive fashion envisioned in workbooks.
28. Downtime is not consistent with many of the applications envisioned for the I-way.
29. These things belonged to the past moments in which he first envisioned them, images in photographs he took in his imagination.
30. An independent economic woman was definitely and explicitly not part of the concept of our social contract as its formulators envisioned it.
More similar words: envisionvisionrevisionvisionaldivisionvisionaryprovisionsupervisionprovisionssubdivisiontelevisionrevisionismrevisionistprovisionalprovisioningdisillusionedfield of visiondivision of labourenvisageinvisibleelisiondecisionexcisionderisionprecisioncollisionenvironmental protectioncommissioneddisillusiondecision making
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