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Embarrassment in a sentence

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Sentence count:178+22Posted:2017-03-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: overplusplethorasuperfluitySimilar words: embarrassembarrassedharassmentassessmentembankmentbombardmentarrangementembarkMeaning: [-mənt]  n. 1. the shame you feel when your inadequacy or guilt is made public 2. the state of being embarrassed (usually by some financial inadequacy) 3. some event that causes someone to be embarrassed 4. extreme excess. 
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151. Mutual anger surmounts mutual embarrassment through the rest of the long dark carriage ride.
152. The woman ducked her head in embarrassment and put her hand on the arm of the man driving.
153. We finally realised that we could avoid even that embarrassment by giving ourselves breathing space.
154. Sometimes we deliberately flout the charge to be relevant: to signal embarrassment or a desire to change the subject.
155. Then I worried that he would end up in the wrong homeroom and suffer some embarrassment for such inattention.
156. It gained and lost with abandon, crushing the Harrisons with embarrassment.
157. Robbie felt her cheeks flush scarlet and she looked about her in angry embarrassment.
158. Some White House officials concede the first lady has hurt the administration by efforts to avoid personal embarrassment.
159. In acute infections, there is anaemia and lassitude and occasionally respiratory embarrassment.
160. The Democrats had argued that the embarrassment of a shuttered government was damaging the reputation of the House.
161. I generally think of sushi as bite-sized, but at Sushi-Cho you need a big mouth to eat your sushi without embarrassment.
162. The symbolic center of the greatest nation on earth is a city in acute distress and a global embarrassment.
163. If there is not quite an embarrassment of riches, there is enough to make the small investor blush at the choice.
164. To avoid any possible embarrassment the receptionist should show the lady to a seat in the lounge.
165. Female managers generally have less difficulty and embarrassment with this topic than do their male counterparts.
166. A baby born out of wedlock was a great sin, then(, and a huge embarrassment to the family.
167. The prospect of Hitler's trial in the aftermath of the failed putsch caused the Bavarian authorities acute embarrassment.
168. To avoid further embarrassment he took the butter knife plus the bit of butter with him.
169. These differ from one culture to another and can consequently be misinterpreted and cause embarrassment or suspicion.
170. Things aren’t often what they appear to be at first blush. But embarrassment is. Jarod Kintz 
171. And he had at his disposal almost an embarrassment rather than a shortage of political experience.
172. She very seldom looked embarrassed, but there was just a hint of embarrassment about her now.
173. After that flap, and the resulting corporate embarrassment, Intel promised to publicly disclose shortcomings in its microprocessors.
174. It is the area of abuse that has caused great embarrassment for the president and the Democrats.
174. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
175. They started to disagree over the clothes Ace insisted on buying her until she was almost overcome with embarrassment.
176. The man was being a positive embarrassment.
177. Some people have left out of embarrassment at what's happened to them.
178. The facts could cause embarrassment if they ever became public.
More similar words: embarrassembarrassedharassmentassessmentembankmentbombardmentarrangementembarkmass mediaembargobarragebarracksembodimentembezzlementarrest warrantassignmentinstallment paymentfourteenth amendmentarraybarrenbarrelbarrowarrayedarraignarrangewarrantbarrierbarringembrasureambassador
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