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Cell-like in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2021-12-13Updated:2021-12-13
Similar words: shell-likesell like hot cakesin all likelihoodfeel like a millionfeel likefeel like a million dollarsfeel like doingtell it like it isMeaning: adj. resembling a cell. 
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1. There is a kitchen and there are cell-like bedrooms.
2. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that there were stem cell-like cells in cell spheres and neuron- and glia -like cells after the plating.
3. By attacking stem cell-like cells in prostate cancer, researchers at Lund University are working on a project to develop a new treatment option.
4. I was very excited when I found stem cell-like cells in my culture dishes.
5. Objective To isolate the neural stem cell-like cells from infant human retinas.
6. In recent years, embryonic stem (ES) cell-like cells have been obtained from cultured mouse spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs).
7. He has managed to build cell-like bubbles from giant metal-containing molecules and has given them some life-like properties.
8. Aggressive cancer cells, expressing a multipotent, embryonic cell-like phenotype, engage in a dynamic reciprocity with a microenvironment that promotes plasticity and tumorigenicity.
9. Mostly within grey, barren cell-like structures, nightmarish scenarios, which are unspecific in their narrative, are enacted.
10. The guard, who bore no insignia identifying the Institute, escorted Manescu to a large cell-like room with no window.
10. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
11. At the end of the tunnel, only yards away, was a little cell-like room.
12. By simply mixing them in solution, he can get them to self-assemble into cell-like spheres.
13. Narrow sheets with sharp gradients may separate regions with different properties such as magnetization, density, and temperature, resulting in cell-like regions.
14. Both muscle and satellite cells are in turn surrounded by adult stem cell-like cells.
15. In control group ES cell -like colonies were harvested from 9 blastocysts(, in which 5 ES cell-like colonies could be passaged successfully.
16. Conclusions The PGP 9.5 immunoreactive neurons and S-100 protein immunoreactive cell-like blank area demonstrate the lying of neurons in myenteric plexus.
17. The cancer stem cell hypothesis suggests that malignant growth depends on a subset of tumor cells with stem cell-like properties of self - renewal.
18. The remainder stems from previously unknown CD133(-) tumor cells with apparent stem cell-like properties but distinct molecular profiles and growth characteristics in vitro and in vivo.
19. Nearer the house, in the shadow of the office, Farrell has built a "plant prison", where the "villains and thugs of the plant world" are confined to cell-like beds.
20. The cells, already fewer in number than other types of tumor cells, tend to lose their stem cell-like properties when grown outside the body.
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