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Chrome yellow in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2023-11-03Updated:2023-11-03
Similar words: the yellowspale yellowyellow ochreyellow-belliedyellowyellowyyellowsyellowedMeaning: n. any of several yellow pigments consisting of normal lead chromate and other lead compounds. 
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1, Chrome yellow is the magic key to this picture.
2, Factors affecting the tone during production of lead chrome yellow pigments were stated.
3, First, they exposed three tubes of chrome yellow to UV radiation until one turned a chocolate color.
4, In fact[], the chrome yellow chemical reaction occurred between the layers of varnish and paint.
5, They studied the chemical properties of chrome yellow paint left in historic tubes from this time period.
6, The vibrancy of new industrial pigments such as chrome yellow allowed van Gogh to achieve the intensity of, for example, his series of Sunflowers paintings.
7, Chrome yellow ink encountered alkalescence large paper fade , zhonglan alkalescence large paper encountered fade.
8, The range of the artist's palette widened to include cobalt blue, ultramarine, chrome yellow and viridian green.
9, The investigation of corrosion resistance of epoxy coating containing pigment of zinc chrome yellow was made using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS) measurement.
10, The chrome plating effluent which had been treated could be provided to make chrome yellow.
11, The collaborative study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Analytical Chemistry this week, confirmed chemical changes in chrome yellow in two of Vincent van Gogh's paintings.
12, Without the vibrancy of the new colors, such as chrome yellow,[ yellow.html] Van Gogh may never have achieved the intensity of Sunflowers.
13, The researchers found that a change in the oxidation state of the element chromium (from chromium 6 to chromium 3) was linked to the darkening of chrome yellow paint.
14, In this paper introduce the technology of producing lead-stibium alloy and Lead Sulfate Tribasic , chrome yellow series of products.
15, The company's products applicable to the manufacture of lead chrome yellow, batteries, ceramics, optical glass, rubber, chemical industry Antirust Paint, and other important raw materials.
16, The paper sketched out internal and external current situation of coated chrome yellow pigment as well as the market trend.
17, The scientists validated previous hunches that UV light and sunlight are to blame for catalyzing chemical reactions of chrome yellow on canvas.
18, Effects of the formation of crystal form on the tone of lead chrome yellow were emphatically discussed by the experiments.
19, The resistance to corrosion of an epoxy coating containing the pigment of zinc chrome yellow was studied using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.
20, In the introduction to the book, McCullin writes, "I used Ektachrome, and Ringo's chrome yellow shirt jumped out of the blue of his suit.
More similar words: the yellowspale yellowyellow ochreyellow-belliedyellowyellowyyellowsyellowedchromeyellownessyellowishyellowfinyellow seayellow dogyellowcakeyellow spotyellow-brownyellow raceyellow perilyellowstoneyellow bookyellowtailyellow flagnichromeyellow riveryellow alertyellow pagescanary yellowyellowknifeyellow fever
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