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Unbuttoned in a sentence

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Sentence count:45+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-09-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: unbuttonbuttonedbuttoned-upsunburnedbuttonmuttonbutton upgluttonMeaning: adj. 1. not buttoned 2. not under constraint in action or expression. 
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1) He was in easy, unbuttoned mood.
2) Staff respond well to her unbuttoned form of management.
3) He took off his sweater and unbuttoned his shirt.
4) I unbuttoned my shirt cuffs.
5) He unbuttoned the old man at once.
6) He unbuttoned his shirt and revealed a big scar on his chest.
7) She unbuttoned his holster,( and took out his sidearm.
8) She slowly unbuttoned her blouse.
9) Theresa sighed heavily as she unbuttoned her coat.
10) The buttons on her shirt were unbuttoned.
11) He pulled down his necktie and unbuttoned his shirt.
12) She unbuttoned her coat.
13) He unbuttoned his shirt.
14) A malodorous checked jacket, stiff with grime, was unbuttoned, the left flap lying open.
15) He unbuttoned it and then she took over, drawing it off him with relish.
16) Manion unbuttoned his suit jacket and moved out from the podium area.
17) Later I found out if I had unbuttoned my shirt to the waist, I would have been in like Flynn.
18) A woman, naked except for an unbuttoned faded red blouse, tumbles out.
19) Balor had unbuttoned his jerkin and brushed the crumbs from his front and was preparing to take a snooze.
20) His shirt was casually unbuttoned at the chest, the trousers high at the waist and tight about his hips.
21) Mr Bumble put down his hat, unbuttoned his coat, folded his arms, and sat back in his chair.
22) His tie was pulled loose, his shirt unbuttoned, and his hair was tousled.
23) She unbuttoned her dress and let it fall around her feet.
24) His shirt was unbuttoned, revealing a hairy chest.
25) The sands were crowded with these strange bright parrots, accompanied by young gentlemen with unorthodox headgear and unbuttoned waistcoats.
26) He was wearing uniform but his battledress jacket was unbuttoned and his tie was loose.
27) Rachel stared fixedly at his tanned throat where the white shirt was unbuttoned.
28) Pattern for the side vents of the 1895 coat, which unbuttoned to allow use of the sword belt.
29) She watched the next scene; nurses running towards a hospital, their unbuttoned navy-blue coats flapping over pale uniforms.
30) When he gets closer we can see that one of his shirt cuffs is unbuttoned and the sleeve is frayed.
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