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Sagging in a sentence

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Sentence count:86+1Posted:2017-05-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: laggingnaggingbraggingdraggingflaggingunflaggingjoggingriggingMeaning: [sæg]  adj. hanging down (as from exhaustion or weakness). 
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61, Facial massage cream do with upgrading, so not only face-lift, but also to prevent facial sagging yo!
62, In fact, Elastin is as important as Collagen because sagging skin also affects your outlook.
63, In the United States, where the "cash for clunkers" sales incentives helped lift a sagging market, GM's U.S. market share dropped to 19.5 percent from 24.3 percent a year earlier.
63, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
64, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has sought ways of boosting local consumption to offset the effects of a sagging world economy.
65, The blotched and sagging face twisted grotesquely into the grimace of extreme grief.
66, They went out of the store and across the worn gallery and down the sagging steps.
67, Size - D breasts and size - A breasts , sagging breasts and perky breasts.
68, Given time enough, however, the balance becomes a sagging to the grave side.
69, Skin is lifted and tightened to help visibly diminish sagging and drooping.
70, An hourly chart may be sagging, while a 10 - minute chart is rallying.
71, After the sagging barn collapsed, the farmer burned it down.
72, Now that sovereign-wealth funds have retreated, hit by investment losses and a sagging oil price, private equity is perhaps the most promising source of private capital.
73, Above the rumpled greenery, red-brown African mahogany trees rose at random, their trunks tall and straight, their limbs sagging with the weight of orchids and ferns.
74, Results 28 cases with mastatrophia and mild sagging breasts underwent operations. all had good figure of breasts.
75, Irreversible sagging and chronic backache can be the long - term result.
76, The bank stocks got a boost, as did a previously sagging market overall.
77, Most recently, actions have been considered and in some cases , taken to bolster sagging stock markets.
78, The sagging windows are out of square in the old house.
79, The gym, on the second floor of an old Masonic temple with sagging ceilings, has a fitness room, a heavy bag room and a ring that reverberates with the sound of hip-hop.
80, His mind was sharper than you'd think, looking at his sagging, stubbled face, and I grinned, though I was becoming more and more reluctant to indulge him.
81, New carbon-core aluminum wires can be stretched more tautly than conventional copper wires and so can carry perhaps three times as much current before sagging below safe heights.
82, Interest rate is raised to brace up the sagging dollar.
83, Although the mastoptosis cannot prevent and control, but usually does expands the chest movement, the swimming actually to be possible to delay the sagging the speed.
84, Objective Breast augmentation are performed in conjunction with breast lift in a single operation to correct mastatrophia with mild sagging breast.
85, And , flinging herself down on the sagging sofa, she burst into wild crying.
86, From now on, the hint of a potbelly here, the possibility of a sagging breast there.
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