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Recur in a sentence

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Sentence count:83+2Posted:2016-11-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: come againrepeatreturnSimilar words: recurrentsecuresinecuresecuritycurbincurcuriooccurMeaning: [rɪ'kɜr /-'kɜː]  v. 1. happen or occur again 2. return in thought or speech to something 3. have recourse to. 
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31. It is an increasingly influential idea in evolutionary theory, and one that will recur throughout the book.
32. Polyps recur, however, in 30-50% of all polypectomy patients, and they must therefore be followed with regular colonoscopic examinations.
33. Until the basic problems of invisibility and her own feeling of worthlessness were addressed, the situation would continue to recur.
34. These themes constantly recur up to the First World War.
35. In anticipation that the same problem might recur this summer I tried sowing some sweet peas with the runner beans.
36. Waterfowl and stylized papyrus flowers recur, as do simplified outlines of chariots.
37. Two themes recur throughout our discussion of welfare economics in Part 3.
38. Only in two patients did problems with constipation recur after they had been successfully treated.
39. A number of grammatical / structural items recur throughout the lessons, generated by the activities themselves.
40. Threadworm is easily treated but unless the following precautions are taken the problem may recur.
41. No other cause for anaemia was found and anaemia did not recur during follow up.
42. The malignant tumor does not recur.
43. I shall recur to the subject later on.
44. This source of doubt would not so perpetually recur.
45. The army will recur to the use of force.
46. Two themes recur throughout our discussion of welfare economics.
47. Of course, many problems recur at various periods.
48. Studies have shown that only about 2% of cats are shedding oocysts at any one time, and that oocyst shedding does not recur even after repeated exposure to the parasite.
49. C.N) have also posted better-than-expected quarterly results, though lenders have been bolstered by trading gains and accounting changes that may not recur.
50. An alarm has an initial time, a setting for how often it should recur (only counts in minutes are possible), and a number of times to recur.
51. To solve these questions, we must recur to the Patria Potestas .
52. Crowd mentality changes slowly, and price patterns recur, albeit with variations.
53. The path of a planet appears to consist of loops that recur regularly.
54. Convulsions look terrifying,[] but they are rarely fatal unless they recur repeatedly.
55. Capital expenditure is that which is spent once and for all, while income expenditure may recur every year.
56. He did not recur in thought to New York or the flat.
57. Let us recur to the principles which we have worked out.
58. Nasal cavity examination and dacryocyst lipiodol opacification were executive before operation to investigate the reason of recur, and the patients were followed up for 10 to 12 months.
59. In order to recur small traditional towns this idea in modern city, the designer put forward the concept of "Block Town" in one new business building design in eastern Ningbo.
60. It may possibly recur to your memory that when I examined the paper upon which the printed words were fastened I made a close inspection for the water-mark.
More similar words: recurrentsecuresinecuresecuritycurbincurcuriooccurcurveexecutesecularcurl upmoleculepersecutecuriouscurrentcurtainexecutionspeculateexecutivecurrencyaccuracyaccurateprosecutorspeculatorcurrentlycuriosityspeculationprosecutionconsecutive
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