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Paintwork in a sentence

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Sentence count:47+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: paintermaintainworkat workworksworkerwork atworkout
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1. We scratched the paintwork trying to get the bed into Martha's room.
2. The paintwork will need a little attention.
3. The paintwork is in good condition.
4. The car's paintwork has been scratched.
5. The sun blistered the paintwork.
6. The paintwork is beginning to peel.
7. The car's paintwork is badly scratched.
8. Careful inspection in daylight revealed imperfections in the paintwork.
9. A stone hit the car and damaged the paintwork.
10. Buff up the paintwork with a soft cloth.
11. The paintwork will need doing over soon.
12. She noticed the peeling paintwork.
13. The paintwork will need renewing every five years.
14. The coal fire had discoloured the paintwork.
15. The paintwork, the wardrobes and the bedside cupboards were coffee-cream.
16. Paintwork on the corner of a stairway tends to get nicked and scratched.
17. The paintwork was so bad that we decided to strip off all the paint and start again.
18. Paintwork on the corner of a stairway tends to get nicked and scratched as people pass by.
19. The paintwork was damaged when my car hit the street lamp post.
20. The paintwork is beginning to flake; it'll need doing over / to be done over soon.
21. Make sure you don't mark the paintwork while you're moving the furniture around.
22. Marks on the paintwork and diuretics for breakfast.
23. Through paintwork(, light is reduced or blocked out.
24. The paintwork on some of its window frames was blistered and peeling like scabrous skin.
25. Details of decorative paintwork were visible on his left side although only the lower portion of the work could be seen clearly.
26. Exterior plaster and paintwork, whether on public buildings or private housing, is allowed to flake and crumble.
27. Buttermilk paintwork offsets the mixture of chair covers in Paisleys, florals and stripes.
28. Paintwork will gleam, welds will be even, hydraulic pipes neatly threaded about the machine.
29. I've only had the car a week and the paintwork is scratched already.
30. Its cleansing steam power is equally effective for freshening up paintwork or plasterwork on the walls or ceilings.
More similar words: paintermaintainworkat workworksworkerwork atworkoutnetworkwork outwork offwork upout of workworkshopworkplaceframeworkthe working classain'tfaintin the worldcomplaintin the mainplaintiffconstraintmaintenanceuncertaintypairimpairrepaira pair of
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