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Judo in a sentence

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Sentence count:74+4Posted:2017-04-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: kudospseudoproud ofbe proud ofpseudonympseudosciencejudasjudgeMeaning: ['dʒuːdəʊ]  n. a sport adapted from jujitsu (using principles of not resisting) and similar to wrestling; developed in Japan. 
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31. In 1964, judo became an Olympic sport, and remains the only martial art in the games.
32. Yesterday, having recovered sufficiently to return to his hotel, he attempted to withdraw from international judo by offering his resignation.
33. It sounds like Judo , Karate or TKD.
34. The Japanese judo is developed from the jiujitsu.
35. You know Young - gu from the Judo club?
36. From which Olympic Games were volleyball and judo introduced?
37. Judo awards two bronze medals in each weight class.
38. The judo is a kind of fighting sport.
39. Included are listings for martial artists of Karate, Kung Fu, Aikido, Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Tae Kwon Do, Ninjutsu, Tai Chi,(Sentencedict) and many other styles.
40. Judo had its origin in the ancient Japanese art of jujitsu ahand - to - hand combat.
41. Looking into the development course of jiujitsu to judo, it can be fully demonstrated that judo was influenced by the Chinese traditional ideology and culture.
42. He holds a First Dan Black Belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu, a Seventh Dan Black Belt in Judo, a First Dan Black Belt in Shotokan Karate and a Sixth Dan Black Belt in Aikido.
43. It is vital that judo sessions are overseen by a qualified trainer.
44. I surfed the Internet afterwards about the major term, judo and wrestling are collectively referred to confrontational sport, and that is a kind of well-regulated and match-style fighting.
45. I'LL have you know I'm a black belt in judo.
46. Between the last war and the present, a number of books were written by experts in judo, jiujitsu , and unarmed combat technique.
47. Le judo , chasse gard é e fran ? aise , sera d é fendu par la rel è ve de jeunes champions.
48. The host country could add one sport, and Japan chose judo.
49. When and where did volleyball and judo join the Olympic Games?
50. The last time which North Korean won an Olympic gold medal was in 1996 Atlanta Olympics in which it won two gold (one from judo and one from wresting), one silver and 2 bronze medals.
51. Some of the better-known include British marathon runner Paula Radcliffe, American tennis star Lindsay Davenport, and Japan's seven-time world judo champion Ryoko Tani.
52. British pair Ben Quilter and Lesley Reid both came away with medals from the judo events at the Ibsa World Games in Turkey.
53. Japan lost their battle for runner-up bragging rights to South Korea, who managed 76 golds to their rivals' 48 and cut into Japan's traditional strongholds of judo, wrestling and swimming.
54. Judo is a modern Japanese martial art that originated in Japan.
55. There were no significant difference of back strength, vertical jump, lateropulsion move, balance capability and flexibility of athletes among judo, wrestling and Sanshou.
56. Now we add other styles of fighting, including boxing, judo, and tae kwon do.
57. At present judo, which has peen given an aura of mysticism, is used in body building to develop an offensive spirit.
58. Football, judo, and cycling are events for athletes with visual impairment.
59. Judo had its origin in the ancient Japanese art of jujitsu, a system of handhand combat.
60. Most people confuse it with either Judo , Aikido, Chi - na, or recently popular Brazilian Jiujitsu.
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