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Fours in a sentence

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Sentence count:65Posted:2019-02-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: all foursfoursomefour-starfourscoreon all foursfoursquareplus foursfour
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31. Finally I took a flat rock and got down on all fours and scraped the mud off each wheel.
32. Moments later the coxless fours arrived back at the jetty.
33. Female speaker Voice over It's mix and match at Chipping Norton(sentence dictionary), where they're staging their first ever mixed fours.
34. Get down on all fours and look around.
35. He fell on all fours.
36. When did plus fours come into vogue?
37. a pair of plus fours.
38. A baby crawls on all fours.
39. The examples are not on all fours.
40. The child is crawling on all fours.
41. The child is going on all fours.
42. Rub in this cream every fours hours.
43. Taylor hit 13 fours and batted for 140 minutes.
44. EDWARDS: Professors, teachers sat in the corner with the dunce cap on them. They were made to get down on all fours and bark like a dog.
45. In this convivial company , I canap é s ( not too awful ) and white chocolate petits fours ( bad ).
46. If needs to take off, uses the flinty carton to insert slowly first guarantees gobe's caking place, delimits the pine along the fours nearby, then the even effort then takes down.
47. It is not easy to make a simile go on all fours.
48. Well, I'd like to have some petits fours and demit tasse coffee.
49. O.K., it has to be close by, because I had it right before I was hunting around on all fours in front of the liquor cabinet.
50. It boasts such authentic facilities as containers of organic grain, a water tube which guests can sip, and a double bed accessible only by a step ladder and a quick scramble on all fours.
51. They took the form of loose breeches such as "plus fours" which came four inches below the knee.
52. Grandet dined alone for the first time in twenty - fours years .
53. The horse jumped the stream and landed on all fours.
54. Three - fours of the people agree with the overture presently.
55. The petit - fours and the melting ice are set before them.
56. I play each scale twice in groups of fours, two times in one breath.
57. Diao was down on all fours, snorting and pawing like a bull.
58. In the evenings after work, Mike King can often be found crouched down on all fours in the living room playing bucking bronco with his kids.
59. No prophecy can be expected to go on all fours.
60. He had to go on all fours to squeeze through the opening.
More similar words: all foursfoursomefour-starfourscoreon all foursfoursquareplus foursfourfoulfountfoundafoulfourthbefoulfoul outfourfoldfoullyfoul upfouledfour-foldrufousfoughtfoul-uppuff outturf outbig fourfoundersniff outone-fourthfounded
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