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Downtown in a sentence

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Sentence count:160+10 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: uptownSimilar words: get down totowntowertoweltowarddowndownsintoMeaning: [‚'daʊntaʊn]  n. the commercial center of a town or city. adj. of or located in the lower part of a town, or in the business center. adv. toward or in the lower or central part of town. 
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(1) I have to go downtown later.
(2) How long does it take to get downtown?
(3) There has been sporadic violence downtown.
(4) Pickpocketing is rampant in the downtown area.
(5) There is heavy traffic in the downtown area tonight.
(6) They went downtown to see a ballet.
(7) I work downtown, but I live in the suburbs.
(8) Vandals smashed windows and overturned cars in the downtown shopping district.
(9) The regeneration of the city's downtown dock front will put it on a par with Nice or Cannes.
(10) The councilors put the problem of downtown parking before the mayor.
(11) The company is moving its sales center downtown.
(12) The hotel is situated two miles north of downtown.
(13) He's looking out for a nice apartment downtown.
(14) Thirty people died in a fire in downtown Chicago.
(15) I have an apartment in downtown Manhattan.
(16) By day he worked downtown for American Standard.
(17) She works for a law firm in downtown Miami.
(18) The subway is the fastest way to get downtown.
(19) City officials bent over backwards to help downtown businesses.
(20) Downtown stores are being driven out by crime.
(21) Crawford stressed the need for more housing downtown.
(22) The downtown is being overpopulated.
(23) The fire demolished the downtown.
(24) Can you direct me to the downtown?
(25) Many taxis were cruising in the downtown area.
(26) Home at the place far away from downtown area.
(27) Two armed men held up a downtown liquor store last night.
(28) He works in an office tower in downtown San Francisco.
(29) I've got a meeting downtown in 20 minutes so I'll have lunch on the hoof.
(30) This was, New York apart[],( the first American city I had ever been in where people actually lived downtown.
More similar words: get down totowntowertoweltowarddowndownsintoontoget downwidowgo downcut downhand downhold downlie downset downrun downput downdo withlay downwindowcome downturn tomentorget intogo intoslow downdown withbeat down
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