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Coloring in a sentence

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Sentence count:224+3Posted:2017-04-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: tailoringimploringexploringimploringlyColor.colordiscolorcolorfulMeaning: ['kʌlərɪŋ]  n. 1. a digestible substance used to give color to food 2. a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect 3. the act or process of changing the color of something. 
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181. This article introduces the important statues of water base colorant on carrying out coloring aqueous products.
182. Research progress of anodizing and electrolytic coloring technology for aluminum and its alloy was briefly summarized.
183. Either of two marine game fishes ( Coryphaena hippurus or C . equisetis ) having iridescent coloring.
184. The zebroid (cross between a zebra and any other equine) showed in the picture above, Eclyse, is a very unusual one, because of her coloring.
185. All you need is a " little Kid" coloring book with old favorite cartoon characters, an extra large box of crayons, and no artistic standards. And don't be afraid to color outside the lines!
186. This invention relates to a cylinder press device and a printing method using powder type coloring material.
187. A comparison experiment made between image processing determination and manual determination of tetrazole coloring showed that the percentage of average accuracy is up to 93.7%.
188. However, the IARC, a World Health Organization panel, reported that there is not enough evidence to conclude that occasional personal use of hair coloring raises the risk of cancer.
189. Thank you, Steven, for translating our coloring book into Chinese!
190. Free from, any additives such as sweetener , coloring matter or preservative.
191. Washing should follow as soon as possible after cooking, otherwise the stock adsorbs coloring matter which is hard to remove.
192. Mr TO povidone - iodine after lesions hand coloring or coloring very short.
193. The minimum number of colors required for an adjacent vertex-distinguishing total coloring of a simple graph G is called the adjacent vertex-distinguishing total chromatic number, denoted by xat(G).
194. Methods Xanthydrol coloring method, sulfuric acid coloring method, and HPLC method were developed for determination of the release of dirithromycin enteric-coated tablets.
195. The producing of the refined natural coloring material it not only to improve the performance of natural coloring material but also to broaden it's applicability.
196. When checking purulent fluid,[] can search inside the cell see diplococcus of negative of coloring of change orchid family name.
197. No artificial coloring or flavoring is added to this recipe.
198. The cosmetic brush (1), which is designed as an injection-molded plastic piece, is in particular a mascara brush or a hair coloring brush.
199. For instance, traumatic hind if the skin is built - in dust , coal ash sundry, if clean ungodliness, colored grain remain can form ugly dust coloring inside the skin.
200. Appropriately applied hair coloring can also heal a variety of hair or face shape sins.
201. The adjacent vertex distinguishing proper edge coloring of is discussed and the result illustrated that the adjacent vertex distinguishing proper edge coloring conjecture is ture for.
202. The company introduces the domestic first-class production equipment, uses the international leading encaustic tile production technology and the coloring craft, presently has production base two.
203. Natural violet cabbage pigment is one of anthocyanins in centaurea cyanus, mainly used for coloring food up to now.
204. In order to exploit the application of ultrasonic technique in vegetable dyes dyeing, it takes the wool fabric dyeing using ML-CT coloring matter as an example.
205. Merchant says: "These coloring liquids have money to also cannot be bought, one car goods just gives manufacturer we one pyxis ."
206. Wang proved that if G is a multigraph with maximum at most 3, then G has an 5 equitable total coloring.
207. The sarcocarp hardness decreases, whereas the soluble solid content and the coloring rate increase significantly, thus indicating the effect of CPPU on fruit maturity enhancement.
208. Active coupler : Coloring agent to initiate the formation of colour after chemical action.
209. Your hairdresser does it using a mixture of hair coloring, hair cutting and hair texturing techniques.
210. A method for rapid determination of volatile phenol in refinery wastewater has been developed based on the combination of 4 amino antipyrine coloring principle with flow injection technique.
More similar words: tailoringimploringexploringimploringlyColor.colordiscolorcolorfulcolorlesscolor wheelchlorineboringadoringflying coloursmooringsporing overneighboringscoring systemfloridfloristcaloriedolorousgloriouscolourcolonglorifiedcolonycolonelecologycolossal
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